Personal Alert Alarms
— now launched

What is the initiative? 
Family violence in Victoria is increasing. And not all forms of it can be detected from the outside. That's why, unfortunately, so many victims suffer in silence — just like our Sam.

Our new project provides free, 24/7 monitored personal alarms to family violence victims and survivors in the form of a ‘loan library’. We have partnered with The Salvation Army, who will be distributing these alarms to their clients. Once a client no longer needs their alarm, the data will be wiped and given to the next person in need. 

The fear and anxiety of being alone and vulnerable is excruciating, and by providing these alarms, we hope to reduce these anxieties because people will know help is available 24/7 at the touch of a button. 

If Sam had owned one of these alarms, we truly believe things may have been different. That’s why we’re asking for your help in supporting this incredibly important initiative — please donate to our GoFundMe here.

How do the alarms work? 

These alarms are worn on the body discreetly and can be used if the wearer feels in danger. By simply pressing a silent button, the security company is immediately alerted. The device will vibrate silently, letting the user know that it’s been effectively activated and that someone is now listening in and ready to help.

The security company will alert the relevant authorities and already have the exact coordinates of where the wearer is due to two different types of GPS trackers. Anything the security company hears can be court admissible. And, if the alarm is accidentally activated, the wearer will receive a phone call checking that they are okay.

Where are they available?

The current areas serviced by the alarms include the Bass Coast, La Trobe Valley, and the Bayside Peninsula — covering an extensive amount of ground to help individuals and families in need. Our dream is to build this initiative so that it will one day be available nation-wide.

As a psychologist, Sam was deeply passionate about helping make life easier for people experiencing family violence, and initiatives like these help to carry on her legacy. If you are also passionate about helping people in need and are interested in getting involved in this project, we would love to hear from you.